Monday, January 3, 2011

Simple Step 1: Drink Eight Cups of Water Every Day

-Drink slowly & throughout the day. If you drink it all at once, your body will not be able to absorb it.
-There is no substitute for water.
-When you drink a soda or alcoholic beverage, because it dehydrates you, drink 1-2 extra glasses of water.
-For weight loss, drink half your body weight in ounces.

Getting Started With Simple Steps

-The goal of simple steps is to create many new healthy lifestyle habits...for the rest of your life.
-Commit to the next ten weeks to making healthy changes (one chapter a week).
-Four simple steps each week in the areas of health, weight, home & spirit-When you begin the next week add to the previous steps you've implemented.
-28 days of practicing change can make a new habit.
-Let's check in on the blog at least once a week. I'm so excited that we are all doing this together! I know we can do it!
-Tuesday, January 4th will be our first day.